Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Global Warming

Those who both preach about and decry global warming have proven they know absolutely nothing about it. It is simply a natural event that humans cannot create or control, but it does happen whether we in our arrogant little minds want it to or not. 

Is it happening now? Of course it is. Look around. The evidence is everywhere. Are you looking for hotter Winters, longer Summers? Then you don't know what global warming is. You're going by the name and not the actual cyclical event to tell you all you think you have to know to even talk about it. 

Our Earth and our solar system are constantly changing. We have billions of years of evidence on this very planet to prove that. It's all alive so it's in a constant state of motion, of evolution. Our sun is dying just as we begin to die at the moment we become alive. Every change of the sun will effect the planets it warms and pulls within its gravitational force. There is nothing we can do to change that. 

If we cannot evolve with the evolution of our planet, then it is our time to go. It's simply the way things work and there's absolutely no sense in worrying about it, debating it, or fighting over it. It's life. Bend or break.

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